Subject: 2021 LNBM Playoffs | Art Direction & Graphic Design

Context: Liga de Baschet is the official communication channel of the National Men's Basketball League in Romania. Starting in December 2020, I had the opportunity to work for the first time on a project related to a sport other than football—specifically, basketball. My goal was to introduce diverse design styles tailored to each stage of the competition while maintaining common elements such as score displays, MVP highlights, and other key visuals, ensuring excitement until the very last second of the game. This project focused on the 2021 Playoffs, specifically from May to June 2021. It would not have been possible without the invaluable contribution of my teammates: Alexandru Rad, Mara Mihăilescu & Andrei Stan as data providers & copywriters.

Type / project: OFFICIAL
Client: Liga de Baschet powered by Superbet
Role: Art Direction, Graphic Designer
Years: 2021
© Liga de Baschet powered by Superbet & Liga Nationala de Baschet Masculin

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